Package for Dr. Henry Walton “Indiana” Jones, Jr. received by uchicagoadmissions.
I would have expected Indy’s office to have been at 1155 East 58th Street; but, still: hats off to the mystery sender.
Indiana Jones Mystery Solved The journal and packaging originated from Guam, where an Ebay seller who specializes in replica Indiana Jones props sent it off to the highest bidder who lives in Italy. On its way, the smaller package, addressed to Indy at U. of C., fell out of a larger package. Not realizing what … Read more
Package for Dr. Henry Walton “Indiana” Jones, Jr. received by uchicagoadmissions.
I would have expected Indy’s office to have been at 1155 East 58th Street; but, still: hats off to the mystery sender.
Maureen Johnson: HALLMARKGATE: Or, A Lesson On How The Internet Works maureenjohnsonbooks on HALLMARKGATE: or, how the internet works.
Simon Reynolds profiles experimental pioneer and prescient thinker Laurie Spiegel— whose groundbreaking work with computers in the 70s and 80s helped lay the foundation for many of today’s electronic noise makers— in our newest feature, “Resident Visitor”.
Last week Maria Bustillos stood, correctly, in defense of irony as a sort of adult, reasoned posture in response to the various horrors of the world. (Sincerity, on the other hand, [Christy] Wampole considers the province of the young, in addition to a cohort including—no shit—“elderly people” and “people with severe mental and physical disabilities.”) Bustillos manages to defend irony without considering the weak heart of Wampole’s argument, which indicates that Wampole herself has a pretty loose grasp on the concept. (Standard disclaimer about having no idea what I’m talking about.) …