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Three weeks’ worth of articles: Obituaries, artificial intelligence, damaging storms, the case for charging genocide in Gaza, the viral Chabad tunnel story and online antisemitism, and housing—social in Vienna and enshittified at Airbnb

On the fiftieth anniversary of J.R.R. Tolkien’s death

Grave with flowers growing and placed on it with some other items. Inscription reads, below a simple cross, crux quadrata: “Edith Mary Tolkien Luthien 1889 - 1971 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Beren 1892 - 1973”

☩ Edith Mary Tolkien Luthien 1889 – 1971 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Beren 1892 – 1973 On my last visit to Oxford, England, in March of last year, I finally took the long walk out Banbury Road to Wolvercote Cemetery to see the final resting place of J.R.R. Tolkien, who died at age 81 on … Read more