Actual horse racing journalists on political ‘horse race journalism’

Black and white image labeled "Lawn, Belmont" showing a fence and hedge in the foreground, men wearing dress staw hats standing around, horse track stands behind them topped with flags

A Poynter story takes a step back and considers the term used negatively to describe play-by-play style coverage of political campaigns and elections: how the comparison does and does not fit—and what it can reveal

Recent reading

Three weeks’ worth of articles: Obituaries, artificial intelligence, damaging storms, the case for charging genocide in Gaza, the viral Chabad tunnel story and online antisemitism, and housing—social in Vienna and enshittified at Airbnb

WHPK funding crisis

J.R. Nelson and Leor Galil in yesterday’s “Gossip Wolf” column: In April, the student-run Program Coordinating Council, which allocates student government money every year, gave WHPK $20,600 for its next annual budget—about 35 percent of its $57,490 request. … This year the council covered only operating costs, so WHPK needs help—it wants the university to … Read more