Berwyn wants parks not parking lots
The Mayor of Berwyn, Illinois proposed replacing Serenity Park with a parking lot. Within days, he had to withdraw his proposal due to opposition from constituents and other elected officials.
Berwyn is a suburban city just outside Chicago in Cook County, Illinois. Berwyn is home to more than 57,000 residents. The City of Berwyn is coterminous with Berwyn Township. Known as the City of Homes, Berwyn has the most significant collection of Chicago bungalows anywhere.
John Dunlevy has lived in Berwyn since 2010.
City of Berwyn (city government) website:
Related tags: Chicago, Chicagoland
The Mayor of Berwyn, Illinois proposed replacing Serenity Park with a parking lot. Within days, he had to withdraw his proposal due to opposition from constituents and other elected officials.
Our garden is featured in yesterday’s Chicago Tribune—both online and in print: On a suburban street with smooth lawns and trimmed bushes, Martha Chiplis’ yard stands out. It’s not just the wildflowers: purple wild petunia, golden lanceleaf coreopsis, hot-pink Bush’s poppy mallow. It’s the lemon-yellow goldfinches that snack on the seeds, the fluffy bees that … Read more
Berwyn embraces bikes and bungalows Recap of the May 4th event on the Active Transportation Alliance’s blog.